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movie Today 12 like that went cp.At first plan to go at 1pm but 12pm like that Amely call me and she said she's at cp already,so we go earlier. met up amely and phoebe at 5th floor then go buy ticket.After that,went sing k.haha. then met up Amely's friend.she was friendly.haha :D then we go watch movie. we watch Orphan.whoaaaa.scary movie man! :SSS oh my goshh,really very scary larh.many part was shocked me and i scream :S wtf,that esther really such a freak.the whole cinema was scolding and i heard many rude words.ahaha!At the ending thr was soooo scary.the whole cinema was screaming including me.omg :SS after the movie,went yam cha at xin wang.first we go in no ppl and no == then Amely go downstairs call the waiter.chit-chat at thr.kinda fun :D at 5pm like that then back home :) |
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boring holiday This morning had tuition.kwan come my house.teacher bought chocolate for us.wootsss :D after tuition,just at home.BORING! arghhhhh. I watch 花样男子 again.hahaha!I know i'm crazy.lalala.i don't care.Although watch the 2nd time,i cried also :'(( JI HU!JI HU!JI HU!!I ♥ YOU |
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THE BEST DRAMA Went tuition this morning.nt in mood that I at that tuition just keep quite and day-dream == After that,back home watch 花样男子.Wootsss.imlovinit ^^V 25.08.09,i had finish watching the drama!wheeeeeee :DD The drama was AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!Awwwww,the ending was soooo touched.My tears drop off again :'(( really soooo touched man! 花样男子,THE BEST DRAMA I HAD EVER WATCHED! drama can make me cry so many times instead of this.I love this drama much! I like JI HU. ![]() JI HU & CHAN DI :D ![]() GU JUN PYO & CHAN DI :) |
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA TANG YAN PING Hey hey,today is Alicia's birthday! My best friend since in primary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA! MAY ALL YOUR WISH COME TRUE.BE HAPPY ALWAYS <33
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Hey,its Sunday.Well,went yam cha in the morning then go airport.Bro had to go to HK to study today.Hmm,feel like time pass so fast,truly indeed fast.In a blink of an eye,he had to go.Gt a bit 不舍得 larh.GOR,PLEASE DO TAKE GOOD CARE IN HK.
Then in the afternoon,we went 1b for movie.we watch Laughing Gor.Hmm,the movie was okok for me.sis too.haha!after that then back home. Ok,let's talk abt yesterday.yesterday i watch the 花样男子 via PPS.i know gt a bit late to watch,but nvm,nice then watch lorh right?Actually is yaya intro me to watch.she say super nice!keep ask me to watch but that time i was busying with project. ![]() So now its holiday and since i had nothing to do,i watched it.YAYA & KWAN,now i know why you all jiang like to watch already,ITS TRULY INDEED UTTERLY TOTTALY AWESOME!!!Yesterday i from episode 3 watch till episode 13.waaaa,IMBA owh!lol! really non-stop.I from 11am watch till 10.30pm.And tears welled up in my eyes in every episode.really! And my tears drop off too :'(( really so touched.can't stop my tears from fallin' :'((( |
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Well,as usual,went school at 11.30pm today.But is wearing PJK clothes and my bag just bring 1 book.hahaha xD Its because today we have to go to Complex Likas to watch the football match. At 2pm something,we walked to the Complex Likas.It was raining man!But just a bit.maan maan keep shrick while we making our way to Complex == waa.kinda frazzled walking from our school to Complex :S yaya keep When we reach thr,we go sit at boys thr.sit with maan maan.hmm.seems like just we 2 girls sit at thr == we just dn care and sit at thr only.But the teacher halau us back girls thr.actually gt difference meh? sit at boys thr also can't == Then we sit back girls thr.And,teacher gave us some snacks.teheeeee :D Soon after that,christy call us go behind thr.yaya them go settle things as somethings occured. Then we go boys thr as no teacher thr.Just chit-chat and play thr also :D The football match was truly boring! no ppl watch one == *Skip~~ (i lazy type all those things) Went tuition just now.Sey Mond din go because she's busy.So funny that boy.*nt really know what's his name :P he did something make me laugh like indeed very funny lorh.hahahahaha.can't stop from laughing xD Gonna stop here.mummy reprimanded == buh-bye. |
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It's Saturday When 9 something,went 大同 yam cha.Punya full! :S Then 10.30 back.When i'm going to the lift,i saw ERINE!hahaha xD pretty her.long time no see owh ;D Then just nth special.Back home after that.Oh and the freakin' line!arghhhhh.keep dc :@@ But now it's okay already.Or else i'll get mad ;P AND, just ordered the AOD Dragon pack.*wheeeeeeeee xDD Just now out of the blue mummy say "go find the astro bill larh,i want order the AOD".hahaha :D And now can watch already ;D Today didn't go anywhere.Just stay at home 当宅女.lol. |
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Continue the previous post. Grrrrrr!now no FREEDOM already :'(( Can't play with YAYA,Can't play with HOW HOW,can't play with MAAN MAAN,can't play with LEONG! Oh no! how could this be? But Maan Maan say he want concentrate in studies now as his maths is getting hor.whatever hard lorh sista.JY! And hope your Maths will improve.haha :) Seriously,I'm so so so beh song now d seat.Totally SUCKS man! Grrrrr.*almost whole class don't like the seat,except Enoch.He said he wait this day wait very long == But we're totally NOT larh please.I hate the seat much!! :((((((((((((( I'm so fretful with this.How could How How and Leong seperate? we can't play together jor.sighhhhh :( Can we still play crazily,talking non-sense,and laugh out loud as usual? I hope we can.I really do :(( I love you guys! Hope our friendship will never end although we been seperate.Am i think too much?Maan said i do.But I'm really hope so! Truly pretty utterly!! :(( |
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Oh the freakin' Many things transpired today.I'm truly sad :'(((( Teacher changed our sit when we having PM class.Oh no! no! no! Teacher gonna seperate us.arghhhhh.Teacher changed How How to a frekin' far sit.Oh gosh! Leong and How How been seperate! I'm tremendonsly down hearted with that :(( Leong was nt happy with that too. And,Lee Chun Yick sit beside her now.BUT,Leong tell teacher that she was short and can't see the board and call teacher exchange her sit with Mei Yee.Actually she's just wanna 避开 Lee Chun Yick and sit with Adam because Lee Chun Yick was kinda cold (everyone knows) Kinda clever huh? you this Leong Sin Yee ;P And yea now she's sit with Adam.better than Lee Chun Yick *of course == How about me?I sit with ENOCH == He seems like hyper because no need sit with Yap Kaylyn anymore.He's in cloud nine when teacher say change Kaylyn's Kaylyn always pinch him.He says he 脱离苦海! And now turns JED.hahahaha ;D Hmm.Yaya sit at in front thr.pity her :( She never sit in front or even now the 1st row.Oh my goodness.She's almost cry :'( *Gonna sleep now.2mr will continue. |
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BITCH You,You and YOU!If you have nothing to do,stop doing those stupid freakin' lame thingy.Backstabbing?Insulting ppl?or whatever.There's no point to do that.Just STOP IT! And yea,YOU ARE JUST A FU*KING BITCH! Don't you think you're so 讨人厌? Oh fu*k! We're indeed exasperated with you,betch! Just keep your FU*CKING BITCH ASS MOUTH SHUT!! P/S: Sorry for rudeness.I'm just wanna express my feeling.and yea,obviously I'm so hatin' YOU! So back off you bitch! |
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Sunday It was Sunday.Didn't go anywhere.just stay at home.boring! :S Yesterday first want go watch movie but then kwan can't go so didn't watch.Just shop at cp.Bought nothing but Popteen.hahaha! :D Then go Thai Sheng buy things.I bought many snacks.wheeeee xD *Just a super short post.Nothing can say already.And so bye! :) ♥Tiing |
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Foo Chih Maan & How Han Lin's Ballroom Dance should watch the video! Its really damn funny xD The video was take by Leong at 2C1 (our crazy class) ;P at Wednesday.Well done bah Leong! xD Well,today we having a lot of fun at school.teheeee* ;D When recess,yaya keep tell Adam "Adam,I love you!" Then Adam tell me “叫她吃药eh” hahahaha! I keep laugh ;P Yaya keep say I love you to those boys today.lolssss.she's crazy right?EXACTLY!That's why i call her sapo marh.hahaha xP Then after recess,we had PM class.We just and yaya keep play with How fun ;D Then,Maths class.Teacher gave us play that game "Target" about Maths one.Kinda fun! we seperate to 2 group.2C1 BOYS vs 2C1 GIRLS.hehehe xD Teacher say if girls loose,girls have to run 2 round at the padang when PJK class.Then if boys loose,they have to run 20 rounds!hahaha.good! xD The game has 3 rounds.The 1st round,we 平手.Then 2nd round we 平手 again.Then,FINAL ROUND,BOYS WON == Nevermind larh.Just have fun marh ;) Hmm.and yesterday we have PJK class.First me and yaya just sit at thr and nothing to do.Since we're boring,so we go play badminton.wheeee xD Such a longggggg time din't play badminton already :S But that's fun! :D At first we two keep 接不到球.But after that man man ok jor.haha.yaya say “wa,第一次上PJK 运动噢”hahaha.that's right!lolss;P After that play monkey with Leong and Adam them.Its fun too! :D We all girls keep chase Adam to take the ball.lolss.So damn funny that time.hahaha xD Okay,that's all ;) |
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:@@@ I really don't know you're this kind of people.I should trust XXXX.Now then i realise you're like that d.I'm so disapointed with you.Why will you like that?Oh gosh.And,DN SO 38 PLS.wth.I won't trust you anymore. XXXX,i really should trust you but not her :( ♥Tiing |