Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 6:58 AM
 小姨 came from Singapore yesterday.went 海王城 have dinner a night.but we have accident.a stupid malay who drive motorbike 撞 our car.anyway,no ppl hurt some problem about this incident,but now settled.
Then today we went Suria for movie.KARATE KID!yeaaaaaaaah!!i wanna watch this long time already but no chance that time,finally got the chance to watch now :D :D :D it's so so so so so so so so soooooooooo amazing man.5 stars! ;D it's reallyyyy awesome,no doubt.JADEN SMITH!!!!!!!!!
Oh and and and i've started eclipse.left few chapters,but mummy want me stop already :(!
holiday ended.2 weeks so fast past.argh! i dont wanna back to school! :(