Thursday, July 8, 2010 @ 4:55 AM
Helooooo! it had been a looooong time i didn't update.Busying for school,tuiton & preparation for PMR.can you imagine?PMR is just around the corner,3 months to go.OMGGG! I'm not ready AT ALL!I want to enter science stream next year,or maybe 4S1(hopefully) but is it possible for me to get into S1? i doubted it :/ oh man,bless me.
So last week we have mini bazaar,which was fun :D I lazy type all those things happened that day,not really many things happened,anyway.Just PLAY,EAT,SING.that's all :D & it's fun :D
Besides,last Saturday we are supposed to go to school,for Hari Gemilang.but i skip(almost more than half of our class skip) then that day i discovered a korean drama at KBS world,it's soooo nice! obessed with it ;D
Argentina lose GRRRRRRRRR! @!*^#%$ I hate Germany.& Germany lose during the match with Spain,AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!enoch,vanessa,sis & me cheering for it hahahahahahha :D yeah happy :D i'm not a big fans of Spain,but as long as Germany lose,i'm happy :D :D
Another one to YEAAAAAH is ECLIPSE! OH YEAAAAAAAHHHH!! this is seriously wanna YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! hahahahahhahahah :D waited for sooooooo utterly tremendonsly looooong man,and now finally it realease :D yeah SEYMOND,yeah SUK JUN! ;D gonna go to watch on Saturday,can't wait! :D :D i've bought the ticket just now,cause i think will full.I'm right,there's sure full on Saurday.cause just now i go buy already got some seat already booked or buy.
I participated the contest of Eclipse,GSC one :) & 学海 got contest too & i participated too.but the chances is very less to win the prize.nvm,btw.
