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School Life School,school,school.School life is boring?Hmm.No!School life is quite fun ;D But then sometimes == I'm talking rubbish == Well,this morning had tuition.Kwan come my house.She's sick :( Many ppl sick now,please do take good care ;) Wow,this morning it rain heavily.Oh my gosh.Cold dao.... :S And now i'm having flu it because the rain?Hmmm.i think so >.< Today nth special.I sleep when we having BM class == Boring class == And,this Saturday no kokum.wheeeeeeeeeeee xD And,and,and,I black already.Oh my gosh.No! No! No! :( It's because the pertandingan lalu-lintas i think.I forgot to put sunblock == Wth >.< And here's some photos that we took at Tanjung Aru :) ![]() Leong & me ;P ![]() Milo!!!hahaha xD ![]() us again,and the beach :D ![]() Leong,Kathy & me! ;D *p.s:All photos were edited by SIS.Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! :) ♥Love |
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Tzu Chi Sports Day Today was Tzu Chi Sports Day.Wake up at around 6.40am.Actually late already larh.I should be wake up at 6am i think :S Then rush to Chung Hwa Likas.A lot of ppl was thr aleady.Then we 绕场一圈 to start.lolsss.After that,we start our sports ;DD Kinda fun thr! I met a new friend call Gillian.She was cute and nice.Nice to meet you girl! :) I was lazy to type what we do when the sports was going on.Go view Yan's blog.I'm sure that she will list out what we do.But i nt same group with her.lols. When 10.30am,all the sports had finished.And we had given food.Nice food ;D Then had sharing,师姑 and alicia keep call me go.So i go lorh.My sharing was kinda lame == Then give prizes.I can't believe that our group took a prize!wootsss.happy xD When 11.30am,then back home.Kinda tired :S Went Karamunsing after that.First want go cut hair but then no time so just walk around thr.Bought a pair of shoes and some others thingy :) Mummy bought Michael Jackson's Franch live concert DVD haha.Mummy like Michael too :D Then back home watch the DVD and sleep.hehe ;) *Next time will post the photos that yesteday took :) ♥Love |
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Continue the previous post. Then around 3.30pm,the prize had given and the competition was ended.Finally!hahaha.Thr was truly boring untill i really fall asleep == First,teacher say back home by own car and call parents come Tanjung Aru 2nd Beach fetch us.But since teacher gonna back school and she say she can fetch us,so we follow her car back school.Cause the last period is PJK.Just play only d.haha xD When we reach school,it was just 4pm and they are having class at Sciencelab.So me and Leong go 2C1.We say want give them a surprise.Especially her HOW HOW.ahahahaha ;P Leong,i know you want back school because you too miss your How How and want see him bahh.Nah,now can see him jor lorh.happy? I know you did xD OH MY GOSH!OH MY GOSH!OH MY GOSH! Something really shocked me man!wth!Well,i'm nt gonna tell you what happen.*secret* lalala~;P ♥Love |
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Pertandingan Lalu-lintas Went Pertandingan Lalu-lintas in the morning.When 7 something then reached.Cause Leong say before 7.30 want reach.Manatau?When I reached thr just 2 Lok Yuk's thr == Then we just sit at thr and wait for the others.Then,Christabel come.haha.When 8 something Leong them just come.Cause they follow teacher from school come Tanjung Aru.Kinda late larh == Hmmm.Nth special thr actually.Oh and,gt free Milo!ahahaha :D I'm lovin it! xD We keep go take when the milo car is open.hahaha.i took abt 4 cups i think.wheeeeeee :D I din take my lunch.Actually thr gt provide but i don't want.Hmmm.I think if i take it i also won't eat cause guys know d need i say d larh.hahaha!So better dn take.haha :) Hmmm.I just backup only.No need go in and walk.hoho!Actually i don't know those rules also :P When 1pm something,it's Lok Yuk's turn.haha.all so nervous :S And yo know what? we get 34 saman and 34 station.34% minus 34% is? 0%! LOL.Our team is 0% == Anyways,good job everyone.You all had try your best! ;) It's 11.44pm now.Gonna sleep since tomorrow want wake up early.Will continue this post tomorrow.Goodnight and buh-bye :) ♥Love |
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Changed Blogskin Oh yeah! I did changed my blogskin.hehehee xD Nice? Comment! Comment! :D And please do leave a message after viewing.thanks guys! <33 *just a short post to inform you guys that i changed blogskin,and i love it! :) ♥Love |
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As usual,went school abt 11.15am.Passed up my kerja kayu.wheeeee xD Actually i spray wrong already.But they all say very "fon".LOL.ahahahaha.So i just pass it up.finally.haha xD Something happened when Moral class.I think that's my fault.SORRY XXXX :( we are still sista right?sista forever! ;DD When we having Maths class,the teacher so funny.i like the teacher!I had never seen such a good teacher in sencondary zhang? a bit larh.hahaha.But that's fact lorh.really x) talk talk talk with maan when we having Maths class.haha.2mr we had school.But i no need go.hohoho xD cause wanna go the Pertandingan Lalu-lintas at Tanjung Aru 2nd beach.Yeah! can play :D ♥Love |
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Happy Birthday Suh Ling Today is Suh Ling's birthday.HAPPY HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY!may all your wish come happy always ya :) And i did sent a birthday wish to her at 12.00am.But she say she din recieve dao :( maybe i set wrong number already >.< nothing special.I had Oral test when BM class.with Suh Ling.haha.she gt help me.thanks ya suh ling <3 Skip~~~~ When PJK class.After changing clothes,all ppl gather at padang.And the teacher start saying those rules.Now we just have 10 minutes to change clothes.And can't wear own pants already.ishhh == No freedom already! arghhhh >.< So boring at thr.we went dewan watch they play basketball.someone keep ask me what happen.i din answer.use your brain and think yourself what did you do! == ♥Love |
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Tagged by Erine Tagged by Erine :) 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 10:13pm Name: Ting Ting Sisters: 1 Brothers: 1 Shoe Size: 7?nt so sure Height: 158cm Where do you live: Earth. Favourite drinks: Many larh. Favourite breakfast: nice d brekfast.hahaha! Have you ever been on a plane?: ya. Swam in the ocean: nope.too deep larh == Fallen asleep at school: yea.always :P Broken someone's heart: No i think.hmm. Fell off your chair: Ya.haha. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: What is your room like: pinky room.haha xD What's right beside you: TV ! ( same with erine :D) What is the last thing you ate:Dinner lorh. Ever had chicken pox: yea. Broken nose: huh?! == Do you believe in love at first sight: yea. Like picnics: Yeaa :DD Who was,were the last person you danced with: Dunno. Last made you smile: forgotten ! You last yelled at: Hmmm..Ah Yan?hahaha. Today did you: Talk to someone you like: friends :) Kissed anyone: No of course == Get sick: No xD Talk to an ex:dunno. Miss someone: dunno. Eat: comfirm gt larh. Best feeling in the world: Hmm..maybe?haha. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No. What's under your bed: Nth larh == Who do you really hate: Dunno. What time is it now? : 10:30pm things I was doing 10 years ago: Playing?haha. lo5 things on my to-do list today: 1. Tuition. 2. Go to school. 3. Play at school :D 4. Laugh crazily xD 5. Eat. 5 snacks I enjoy: 1. Chocolate! ;DD 2. Ice-cream! 3. Sweets! 4. cake! 5. biscuits?lol. 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: 1. Travel ! xD 2. Buy a new, nice Sony phone! 3. Laptop 4. Go anywhr that i like xD 5. My Dream House ! 5 of my bad habits: 1. lazy 2.talkative :P 3.laugh with no reason.haha! xD 5 places I have lived in: 1. My House 5 people I'm tagging to: 1. Vivian 2.Sey Mond 3.Natasha 4.Maan ♥Love |
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Continue the previous post :) After that, saw How How and Yang Zhi them.First we want go play games together.But on the way,saw yaya and amely them.Then we follow them already.Just walk around.Saw many ppl.And, I saw Jessie.hahaha xD Saw foo too,but he din saw us.Yaya go shout "Maan Maan"! But he din hear dao.So stupid.bendan! :P *i always say him bendan d* hahahaha. About 12pm,Saw How How agian.Wow! they won many things larhh.2 big plastics all snacks inside.I thought he go buy d but he say they win dao!!kinda shocked :S Regret din go play with them. Back home after that.I know its early.cause i wanna rush my project bahh.*last minute* hahaha.And yet,i passsed it up.Yeah Yeah Yeah! :DD Last night went English tuition.Gt essay test.I hate it == And gt a new student.hahaa.welcome to the tution?lolsss. Today we chit-chat at canteen.Then we say "OWHHHHHHHHH" loudly (because of something) untill the whole canteen d ppl look at us and follow we say "OWHHHHHHH".hahahahaha.I know we are crazy.2C1 is a crazy class marh.right?haha :D When sej class,teacher give us copy the note.Wow.the whole chapter.7.1 till 7.11 man! My hand was so pain :S Amanda,Sey Mond and Jed keep laugh at me cause i keep write wrong -.- That sapo Amanda keep say me sapo.You more larh bah.Sapo Amanda! :P And when sivik class,yaya go tight Foo's hair.yaya,sahara,michelle and me keep laugh.hahaha.But then the teacher saw it and go deduct foo and yaya's mark.Ishhh.Hate the teacher == They say today gt Tsunami.Alah.whr gt.So fake larh. I think that's all for today :) ♥Love |
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Bazaar Hey Hey.long time didn't blog already.Just because of those PROJECT.Arghhhhh.Project is driving me crazy man! == But finally,i done my project.Hohoho! xDD Saturday i 12+pm then sleep because of that Foo! Keep call me beg yean send him the project.Ok,finally,yean sent it.You should thanks me larh FOO CHIH MAAN :PP Sunday went sttss bazaar.So hot! Many things to buy.But i have nt enough money :( To be continue ♥Love |
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Michael Jackson I watched M.J's memorial at wednesday.I did cry :'((( The king of pop.He was awesome!!!I love you forever and ever.may you rest in peace.god bless will always in my heart :) Well,just now went St.Francis Convent for the Pertandingan Lalu-lintas.Kinda BORING at thr.arghhhhhh == Nth special.Then back home. Oh yea,thursday is Amanda Lok's birthday.Happy Birthday Amanda :) And yesterday dorathy them celebrate amanda's birthday.they bought a cake and give a surprise to amanda.A chocolate cake.hahaa. And today is Jia Yen's birthday.Happy Birthday Jia Yen! Be happy always ;) LOL.1 post 2 birthday wishes.ahahaha. ♥Love |
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Wednesday Today morning went school because of the club KJR.sien == We go Tanjung Aru 2nd Beach.hahaa.syok owh xD But the teacher want we hear that what rules because we involved the competition.dn care.lalala~ :P Mummy come fetch me at thr because i din bring books.i wanna back home! call mummy come the beach fetch me.hehee.Leong them so late then back school.haha. So fun at school.We just chit-chat and play.hoho xD And yesterday that yaya make me and sahara keep laugh.ahahahahaha.we laugh till forget to do the essay already.lolssss.and laugh till my face very red.they say d.haha.and yaya d face also red dao....ahaha ;P Hope that sapo din see dao this post.if nt she will kill me =X And the photos we take at saturday :) edit by sis.THANKS YAN SIS! ;) she want me say d.lolsss :P ![]() ![]() i love you my dear sapo yaya ;D ♥Love