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Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
exam's over

OH YEAAAAAH! exam's over.woooooooooohooooooooooooo :D I can continue reading my NEW MOON now yeah yeah yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! :DDD seymond,let's read together! :D & Tumblr! i miss tumblr,gonna reblog as much as i could hahaha!

SO,the exam was okay but some subject was difficult,especially KH! urghhh i hate KH the most! i'm just hoping to pass this subject.

& today Maths paper is given back.I'm happy for the result :D many ppl get 100% tho :)
But my BM's mark so low.yea,my BM sucks.Lim Li Hang is hyper & get crazy when he know his BM pass & he was like "My BM pass!My BM pass!!!!!!! OH YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSS!" then start singing then me & vanessa keep staring at him,& vanessa cant stop laughing of him.lmao!

&&&& Holiday is coming!!!!!!!!! YEAH YEAH yeah!!
The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake to miss you.