the photo that took at pulau that day,will upload more next time :)
Today is the last day of 2009.went lintas upperstar at afternoon with classmates :) after that went yoyo.and i saw erine! hahaha :D
well,left 2 hours then WELCOME 2010 GOODBYE 2009 :'( there's many things happened in this year.i will miss the time we play crazily,talking non-senses,laugh for absolutely no reason.seriously,i love you guys my friends my buddies my sistas!most of all,2009 life is amazing!
and we gonna be so busy during 2010 because pmr.you know :((
oh and 3C1 is at the 3rd floor.argh!
Anyway,i wish all my lovely friend
wish your dreams come true :)
2010 gonna be a good year!
get good result in all exams!
get good result in pmr!
family and friends live happily and healthy!
everyone everyday smile! hahaa :D
BUH-BYE 2009 :'((
HELLO 2010!