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Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 2:30 AM

school againnnnnnnnn.first period BI class,nothing special.we introduce ourselves to the teacher.then i go dewan then bla bla sien.then went back class then mesyuarat agong.i'm badminton club,vanessa we go to the class and then bah FULL.we stand outside then.many ppl man & damn hot! :@

someone become lc.well,i know what know i know.

after that recess.we go 3C2 and have a new student.haha.vanessa say want say hi to her but lastly i == anyway,nice to meet you & welcome to 3C1 :)

then PM,teacher shared us many thing.but they are so noisy.damn it.then mummy come fetch me back.

oh and yesterday kwan and vanessa come my house tution.after tuition something make me & vanessa can't stop laughing.oh my gosh!so ewwwww man ==

p/s:i started to hate you.your everything was SO DAMN annoying especially your attitude.i will never ever care anything about you anymore.get off,idiot!
The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake to miss you.