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Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 5:15 AM

As usual,went school abt 11.15am.Passed up my kerja kayu.wheeeee xD Actually i spray wrong already.But they all say very "fon".LOL.ahahahaha.So i just pass it up.finally.haha xD

Something happened when Moral class.I think that's my fault.SORRY XXXX :( we are still sista right?sista forever! ;DD

When we having Maths class,the teacher so funny.i like the teacher!I had never seen such a good teacher in sencondary zhang? a bit larh.hahaha.But that's fact lorh.really x)

talk talk talk with maan when we having Maths class.haha.2mr we had school.But i no need go.hohoho xD cause wanna go the Pertandingan Lalu-lintas at Tanjung Aru 2nd beach.Yeah! can play :D

The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake to miss you.