Your blog information. The navs are stars, kiss, miss at the top bar above. ✄ ---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ---- |
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Your blog information. The navs are stars, kiss, miss at the top bar above. ✄ ---- Best view in Google Chrome, 1280 x 800. ---- |
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Tagged by Erine Tagged by Erine :) 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 10:13pm Name: Ting Ting Sisters: 1 Brothers: 1 Shoe Size: 7?nt so sure Height: 158cm Where do you live: Earth. Favourite drinks: Many larh. Favourite breakfast: nice d brekfast.hahaha! Have you ever been on a plane?: ya. Swam in the ocean: nope.too deep larh == Fallen asleep at school: yea.always :P Broken someone's heart: No i think.hmm. Fell off your chair: Ya.haha. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: What is your room like: pinky room.haha xD What's right beside you: TV ! ( same with erine :D) What is the last thing you ate:Dinner lorh. Ever had chicken pox: yea. Broken nose: huh?! == Do you believe in love at first sight: yea. Like picnics: Yeaa :DD Who was,were the last person you danced with: Dunno. Last made you smile: forgotten ! You last yelled at: Hmmm..Ah Yan?hahaha. Today did you: Talk to someone you like: friends :) Kissed anyone: No of course == Get sick: No xD Talk to an ex:dunno. Miss someone: dunno. Eat: comfirm gt larh. Best feeling in the world: Hmm..maybe?haha. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No. What's under your bed: Nth larh == Who do you really hate: Dunno. What time is it now? : 10:30pm things I was doing 10 years ago: Playing?haha. lo5 things on my to-do list today: 1. Tuition. 2. Go to school. 3. Play at school :D 4. Laugh crazily xD 5. Eat. 5 snacks I enjoy: 1. Chocolate! ;DD 2. Ice-cream! 3. Sweets! 4. cake! 5. biscuits?lol. 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: 1. Travel ! xD 2. Buy a new, nice Sony phone! 3. Laptop 4. Go anywhr that i like xD 5. My Dream House ! 5 of my bad habits: 1. lazy 2.talkative :P 3.laugh with no reason.haha! xD 5 places I have lived in: 1. My House 5 people I'm tagging to: 1. Vivian 2.Sey Mond 3.Natasha 4.Maan ♥Love |